$4 Gas Prices an Ally of Action, According to Inslee


Date: July 20, 2008
Issues: Energy

$4 Gas Prices an Ally of Action, According to Inslee

Jay Inslee believes that $4 gas prices are an "ally of action", according to an article in the 7/18/2008 San Francisco Chronicle.

""...the only way we have a chance to drive down oil prices is if we become free of the slavery of oil. If we can give Americans choices of electrical cars or ... biodiesel cars, then and only then do we have a chance of dealing with this cost issue. That is why $4-a-gallon gas is not an enemy of action, it's an ally of action."

If he and his allies in Congress get their way, you may find your choices of where you spend your money, how you get to work, and how you cart your kids around to soccer games severely curtailed as our government mandates social engineering, with your tax dollars.

Jay Inslee and his Congress want you to think that $4 per gallon gas is in your best interest, since it paves the way for viable energy alternatives. But economics, and actual impacts on the environment, may prove otherwise.

The gorilla in the extreme environmentalist's room is that many alternative fuel sources actually do more harm than good. Because our government, with the full blessing of the extremist environmental left, provide subsidies for farmers to switch their fields to biofuel-producing crops, food prices are soaring (Source: World Bank).

And what of CO2 - the chief culprit in the supposed global warming problem? By some accounts, the production of biofuels creates more CO2 than they report to eliminate. (Sources: New Scientist, Nature Conservancy).

Jay Inslee's new Transportation and Housing Options for Gas Price Relief Act of 2008 will hurt the average person and families the most. Here are just a few ways how: (Source: Environmental Defense Fund)

* Expand public transportation - The key word here is public, which means publicly funded. Your hard-earned tax dollars will fund increased bureaucracy. It also means getting you out of your car.
* Helping transit agencies deal with higher fuel costs - How? Will the government just give these agencies more money to make up for higher costs? How much? And where will these funds come from? Be assured that these tax dollars will come from your pockets.
* Encourage pay-as-you-go insurance - Simply put, drive less and pay your insurer less. Sounds nice, except-- if you have no choice but to drive your car, and you have a long commute—y. Your rates will actually go up. And, your higher rates will subsidize those that live close to where they work.
* Spur availability of mortgages that make owning homes closer to transit more affordable - This will result in a higher population density as people are fiscally forced to relocate into metropolitan living spaces. Again, where will this money come from? From you, if you buy a house out of reach of a transit line.

Jay Inslee and his Congress believe they can act in your best interest and spend your money better than you can. Such behavior does not deserve your vote in the next election.

Nothing is free. Somebody has to pay for these grand plans. It will be average Americans just like you; people that desire nothing more than to build for their families a lifestyle of happiness in liberty. Legislation like this, no matter how well-intentioned, hurts the very people it means to help by creating higher costs of living that drive people into second jobs, shoulder-to-shoulder living, and mass-transit just to make ends meet.

Does Jay Inslee recognize the true impacts of this new legislation on families? The possibility that he might is almost too much to consider. One can only hope then that he does not. Perhaps he is actually more interested in publicity that will increase sales of his new book. Whatever the case, he clearly aims to use your hard-earned dollars as kindling to supposedly ignite their vision for a "clean energy economy."

We have better goals, goals that are in everyone's best interest:

* Protect your freedom to drive to work, church or the grocery store on your own terms and schedule - Personal transportation based on your needs, not on government mandates. If transit works best for you, great. If you choose to own a car and drive, more power to you. That's the real freedom American's want, and Larry Ishmael will fight for it.
* Work toward viable alternatives to fossil fuels, including nuclear energy - It already powers 75% of France (Source: World Nuclear Association). If they can use it safely and effectively, then so can the US. What is stopping us? Policies like those promoted by Jay Inslee and the other members of his Congress. Larry Ishmael will put forward and support legislation to dramatically increase America's fuel and energy production facilities.
* Continue to Promote and develop hydrogen fuel-cell technology - Hydrogen is a by-product of nuclear energy production, and could be viable in just a few years. With continued research and innovation, it will eventually be affordable and clean (Source: World Nuclear Association). Larry Ishmael will be a leader and out-spoken proponent of this new technology and the infrastructure needed to support it.
* Continue to develop economically sustainable ways to produce clean energy - Biofuels currently take a lot of energy in the form of food, fuel, and water to produce (Source: Cornell University). At the moment, it just isn't worth it, no matter what Jay Inslee and his Congress would have us think. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't keep trying. We can solve any problem we put our minds to, especially when we unleash the full potential of the free market economy to bring forth the best technologies in the shortest time. Larry Ishmael knows the key to success is to get out of the way and to enable it.

Larry Ishmael seeks your vote to act in your best interest, not in the name of the latest, unsubstantiated environmental fads. With Larry Ishmael in Congress, you can count on real work toward real solutions that are in everyone's best interest. This November, vote for a real strategy, vote for meaningful and sensible change, not Jay Inslee's attempt to take more of your hard-earned dollars. Vote for Larry Ishmael for Congress.
